Click here to view the latest news and events of Local 483 - (4/10/2007)
This year was especially productive because the Fire Sprinkler Incentive Act of 2007 was very fresh “on the hill”. In fact, HR-1742, the house version was submitted on Wednesday of the week we were there and S-582 had only been submitted a couple of weeks prior. Again, this year we will be working very hard to support this bill and work for its passage. We also need your help, we need every member to contact their Representative and ask for their support. This can be as easy as logging onto our website, www.sprinklerfitters483.org, click on the Government Info button and follow the links to the US Senate or US House of Representatives and go on to contact them and let them know you would like their support for our bills. This can mean a lot of work for us in the future. You can also follow the progress of these bills by clicking on the Thomas site and enter the bill number. Another very exciting part of the conference was to listen to the Presidential Forum. Wednesday morning seven of the Presidential Candidates had fifteen minutes each to speak to the delegation. Personally, I think I was most impressed by Senator John Edwards, who spoke first, however, all the speakers were interesting and even entertaining at times. The other candidates that spoke were, Governor Bill Richards (NM), Senator Hillary Clinton (NY), US Representative Dennis Kucinich (OH), Senator Christopher Dodd (CT), Senator Joe Biden (DE) and Senator Barack Obama (IL). Here at home, work remains very busy. The Contractors are reporting good back-log and plenty of work to bid. In May, Local 483 will hold Nominations for the Office of Business Manager/Financial Secretary as well as for the Negotiating Committee for the 2008 Contract. As many of you may know, at the time of this writing, Local 669 is on strike against many of the NFSA Contractors. Of course, we have no idea how long this will last or what the outcome will be. Hopefully, it will be resolved soon and there will be a fair contract in place. Local 483 will hold its Annual Retiree Luncheon, Friday May 11, 2007 at 11:00 am here at the Union Hall. Finally, our heartfelt sympathies go out to the family of Brother Everett Leon North, who passed away on April 6, 2007. Work Safe, Keep the Faith, Stan Smith, Business Manager
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