Sprinkler Fitters U.A. Local 483

Apprenticeship/Training Center Administrative Offices
2549 Barrington Court
Hayward, CA 94545
Phone (510) 782-9483
Steven Miles, Training Director
At time of application, applicants must bring proof of completion of high school, (diploma or transcript). A certificate of proficiency or G.E.D. will be accepted equivalent to high school diploma.
Applicants must be at least 18 years old, and must show proof of age at time of application. Drivers license, picture I.D. Passport, etc. will be accepted. A valid Drivers License is required at time of indenture and dispatch to employer.
Applicants must be physically fit to do the work of the trade, and will be required to work anywhere within the nine (9) Bay Area Counties.
Applicants must be legally authorized to work in the United States
Equal Opportunity
Recruitment, selection, employment and training of Apprentices will be without discrimination because of Race, Color, Religion, National Origin, Age, Sex or Physical Handicap as required by CA., Admin.Code, Chapter 2. Veterans are encouraged to apply.
Written Test
Qualified applicants will be notified by mail regarding date, time and location of written test. The date of the next written exam is listed below under the Current News Items.
Oral Interview
Only applicants who successfully pass the written test (Minimum of 75%) will be eligible for the oral interview.
Eligibility List
Applicants will be placed on the apprentice program eligibility list based upon the written examination and oral interview.
Hourly Wage
All Apprentices start off with an hourly wage and fringe benefit package and the wages increase based on advancement within the program. See below for the current wage rate structure.